Ministry News

Discussing coordination between the Red Sea Ports Corporation, the Chamber of Shipping and the private sector

A meeting held at the Red Sea Ports Corporation in Hodeidah today, Wednesday, 11 Shaaban 1445 AH, corresponding to 2/21/2024 AD, headed by Deputy Minister of Transport Muhammad Al-Hashemi, discussed aspects of coordination between the Ports Corporation, the Chamber of Shipping, and the private sector.

The meeting, which included the Chairman of the Corporation’s Board of Directors, Marine Engineer Yasser Muhammad Ahmed, his deputy Zaid Al-Washli, and officials of shipping companies, reviewed the efforts made in the import process of various goods and the facilities provided to importing merchants through the port of Hodeidah.

At the meeting, the Deputy Minister of Transport highlighted the role of the private sector in the economic development process as it is an essential partner in supporting the economy and building the nation, stressing the keenness of the leadership and the government to overcome all the difficulties facing this sector in order to enable it to carry out its development role in the required manner.

Al-Hashemi pointed to the requirements for enhancing performance in the commercial activity of the Red Sea ports, in line with the responsibility placed on everyone, especially in light of the current circumstances that the country is going through.

For their part, the Chairman of the Red Sea Ports Corporation and his deputy touched on the work and projects that were implemented during the last period within the framework of the national vision aimed at improving port services and simplifying procedures for merchants and commercial shipping agents.

They explained that Hodeidah ports provide their services to all arriving ships loaded with various types of goods through organized work mechanisms that ensure accelerating procedures and efforts to unload ships and not overcrowding them on the docks.


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