Ministry News

Supplying rubber protectors for the ports of Hodeidah and Saleef


In the context of protecting the berths of the Yemeni Red Sea Corporation’s ports and securing them from the process of ship piling on them, General Production International Company has supplied (51) different rubber protectors (Fenders) with their accessories to the Corporation’s stores under the general tender No. (5) for the year 2021 AD for the purchase and supply of rubber protectors  Various (vandras) with their attachments to the berths in the ports of Al-Hodeidah and Salif, which the company won.

The purchase of rubber protectors (fenders) with its accessories was financed from the foundation’s own resources.

It will be installed in the ports of Hodeidah and Saleef if it meets the specifications mentioned in the tender document, in order to avoid the process of ships colliding with the berth during the trawling process, and to reduce collision accidents and damage to the docks and ships.

The committee assigned by the Corporation is currently in the process of examining the rubber protectors in preparation for receiving them once and for all if they conform to the specifications.

These rubber fenders are rubber fenders that act mainly as an insulating medium to absorb the shock energy of the ship, making the ship more flexible and smooth when berthing.

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