Ministry News

The conclusion of several revitalization courses at Sana’a International Airport

A number of qualitative training and rescue training courses organized by the airport sector represented by the General Fire and Rescue Administration, the Civil Aviation Institute and Meteorology, lasted for more than a month.

The courses aimed to provide 150 trainees of firefighting and rescue men at the airports of Sana’a, Taiz and Al -Hodeidah, with advanced knowledge and skills in the field of fire extinguishing and dealing with various aircraft accidents in a manner that ensures the preservation of the safety of lives and property according to the international standards in force in international airports and the ICAO Civil Aviation Organization.

In the conclusion, the Minister of Transport, Abdel Wahab Al -Durra, affirmed the readiness of Sana’a International Airport, technical, professional and technical to receive all types of civilian aircraft and flights around the clock according to the international specifications, standards and requirements emanating from the ICAO organization.

He praised the practical applications carried out by the trainees on how to deal with live fires and aircraft fires in the marina that was applied on the Yemeni 320 plane parked at Sanaa Airport, considering that it is a clear message confirming the world that Sana’a International Airport is ready to receive 20 aircraft a day.

The Minister pointed out the keenness and attention of the revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council of Yemeni airports and ports in general without distinction and said, “We seek with every effort to operate the rest of the airports, including the airports of Hodeidah and Taiz the International.

The efforts of the Civil Aviation and Meteorological Commission efforts and its interest in training as an international demand for airport readiness.

For his part, the head of the Civil Aviation and Meteorological Authority, Dr. Mohamed Abdel -Qader, in the presence of the Undersecretary of the Commission, Raed Jabal and the two assistants of the airport sectors, Yahya Al -Kahlani, and the security and safety of aviation, Dr. Abdul Hamid Abu Talib, said that the fire and rescue are the most important element of civil aviation safety, stressing that Sanaa airport is ready and works according to international standards .

While the director of Sana’a International Airport, Khaled Al -Shaif, indicated that the implementation of the courses in this exceptional circumstance is an achievement that enhances the airport’s readiness and keeping pace with international procedures, appreciating the support of the Ministry of Transport and the Commission’s leadership of the airport.

For his part, Director General of the Civil Aviation and Meteorological Institute, Dr. Naji Al -Sahmi, indicated that the courses are a tributary of the trainees to develop their expertise and skills in the field of fire and rescue.

The conclusion included a practical training carried out by the trainees to extinguish a similar fire, which was implemented on the Yemeni plane 320 Airbus at Sanaa International Airport Marina.

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