Ministry News

The Ministry of Guidance and the Land Transport Authority condemn the mercenaries’ intransigence in opening roads for travelers and pilgrims

The Ministry of Guidance, Hajj and Umrah Affairs and the Land Transport Regulatory Authority condemned the continued intransigence of the mercenaries of the aggression and their failure to open roads, which caused the suffering of travelers in general and pilgrims in particular, despite the Saudi regime’s ban on Hajj and allowing only a limited number of mercenaries to pay exorbitant amounts.


The Ministry of Guidance and the Land Transport Authority confirmed in a statement that the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) received a copy of it that the continued closure of the roads by the mercenaries of aggression has doubled the suffering of travelers and pilgrims as a result of the long distance they travel up to 1500 km across nine governorates, the Taiz-Aden-Al-Abr road up to To the deposit port, which is not qualified to receive pilgrims and travelers, instead of the risks they are exposed to on the roads by the security points of the mercenaries.


The statement referred to the efforts of the Leader of the Revolution, the Supreme Political Council, the Salvation Government and the national delegation to offer initiatives and concessions, to open the other side of roads for citizens, travelers and pilgrims, without the other side paying any attention.


The statement held the forces of the coalition of aggression and mercenaries fully responsible for the difficulties and suffering experienced by travelers and pilgrims, as a result of the failure to open roads, intermittent actions and security chaos in the occupied governorates.


The statement called on the United Nations, international and humanitarian organizations to play their role in putting pressure on the mercenaries of the aggression coalition to open roads and reduce the burden on travelers and pilgrims.

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