Ministry News

Facilities provided by Red Sea Ports Corporation to UN Development Program discussed

Deputy CEO of the Yemen Red Sea Ports Corporation Zaid al-Washali on Wednesday discussed with head of the sub-office of the United Nations Development Program in Hodeida Hema Khadka the facilities provided by the Corporation to the United Nations Development Program.

In the meeting, al-Washali and Khadka dealt with the reasons for the delay in the implementation of projects and the necessary needs that the development program committed to in the Stockholm Agreement regarding the port of Hodeida, which was subjected to systematic destruction by the US-Saudi aggression coalition.

Al-Washali stressed that the Corporation is more than ever in dire need to provide the equipment that has been destroyed, including light and heavy devices and equipment, maintenance of electrical equipment, provision of spare parts for equipment and machinery, and supplying the port with bridge cranes, pilot boats and navigational aids to the navigational channel.

He explained that the Red Sea Ports Corporation is counting on the implementation of the agreed projects and adherence to the chronic matrix for their implementation in order to ensure the restoration of the port of Hodeida to its activity.

In turn, Khadka confirmed work to fulfill what was committed to according to what was available and according to the timetable prepared for those projects.

He expressed the appreciation to the technical teams of the institution and the communication team for helping the program with regard to those projects, which he indicated that the program is aware that there is a delay in their implementation.

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