Ministry News

The sectors operating in Hodeida port commemorate the seventh anniversary of the September 21 revolution


The sectors operating in the port of Hodeida, represented by the Yemeni Sea Ports Corporation, the port customs, the General Authority for Maritime Affairs, and the Yemeni Standards, Metrology and Quality Control Organization, organized  Sunday 12/2/1443 AH corresponding to 9/19-2021AD an event marking the seventh anniversary of the September 21 revolution .


In the event, which was attended by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Yemeni Red Sea Ports Corporation, Captain Muhammad Abu Bakr Ishaq, the President of the General Authority for Maritime Affairs, Dr. Ibrahim Sharaf Al-Mushki, the Director General of Salif Port, Mr. Ahmed Atta, and the Security Director of Hodeida Port, Colonel Suleiman Jammeh, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Red Sea Ports Corporation. Yemeni engineer Yahya Abbas Sharaf Al-Din said that the September 21 revolution came to confront all forms of foreign tutelage and the global arrogance forces represented in America and its agents in the region.

Sharaf El-Din pointed out that the homeland today, thanks to the men of the revolution and their sacrifices, enjoys security and stability despite the aggression and siege imposed by the aggression and its mercenaries.


He pointed out that the glorious September 21 revolution will remain the inspiring national project, the safe haven and the fortress for the people, and the greatness and pride of Yemen as a whole.

Noting that the aggression and its mercenaries continued to target cities and civilians and destroyed the infrastructure and public and private properties, markets, factories, ports, airports and farms, and imposed an unjust land, sea and air blockade on the people. Moreover, they are still preventing various ships loaded with food, medicine and oil derivatives from reaching the Yemeni people, with the aim of bringing the Yemeni people to their knees. The Yemeni people, who only increased that stability, steadfastness, strength and pride.


He called on all those who were deceived to take advantage of the general amnesty and lay down their arms and return to the arms of the family and the homeland, especially since the general amnesty will not remain open indefinitely

The event included a poetic poem delivered by lawyer Jamal Muhammad Al-Saghir, which won the audience’s approval.

The event also featured an operetta by Al-Sammad band under the title Freedom and Independence.

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