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The supreme politician affirms the Republic of Yemen’s rejection of any fragmented solutions or agreements

The Supreme Political Council, in its meeting today chaired by the President of the Council, His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, affirmed the Republic of Yemen’s rejection of any fragmented solutions or agreements.

The Supreme Political Council expressed surprise at the Saudi-led aggression coalition’s claim to the ceasefire initiative, while escalating and mobilizing it at the same time, with the aim of misleading its crimes and violating international provisions and norms.

The meeting reviewed the military developments on various fronts, valuing the stability and brutality of the army and popular committees, and their constant response to the aggression and its mercenaries in the fields of pride and dignity.

The meeting reviewed the initial report on the level of achievement for the first quarter of 2020 of the plan for the first phase of the national vision for building the modern Yemeni state.

He commended the committed parties, stressing the keenness on joining efforts to make this stage a success and the accountability of the defaulting parties.

The meeting dealt with government reports, especially the Ministry of Industry and Trade, efforts to control food prices and legal measures taken against the weak souls who are taking advantage of Ramadan to increase the suffering of the Yemeni people who are resisting in the face of aggression and the blockade.

The Supreme Political Council congratulated the children of the Yemeni people on the advent of the holy month of Ramadan … asking the Sovereign, his ability to return to this occasion has been achieved, and Yemen has achieved victory over the aggression and its mercenaries.

The meeting reviewed the extent of the damages caused by the rain torrents in all governorates … urging the local authorities and the concerned authorities to continue providing the necessary assistance to the affected people.

The meeting expressed regret for the damage done to the citizens of Aden Governorate due to the torrential rains due to poor infrastructure.

The meeting directed the government and the concerned authorities to make the most of the rainy season that God granted to Yemen.

The Supreme Political Council had started its meeting by reading Al-Fatihah on the spirit of the martyr President Saleh al-Samad, who was assassinated by the aggression coalition aircraft two years ago .. Stressing that the blood of the martyr al-Samad yielded great victories in various fields and fronts.

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