Ministry News

A press conference on the fifth anniversary of the targeting of the port of Hodeidah by the aggression coalition

The (YRSPC) today held a press conference in commemoration of the fifth anniversary of the targeting of the corporation’s ports by the forces of aggression on the 17th of August 2015.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Yahya Abbas Sharaf Al-Din, reviewed the damage and destruction to the infrastructure of the corporation’s ports, including bridge cranes, maintenance, storage, and occupation of the historic port of Mokha, in a systematic work to paralyze the movement of the corporation’s ports and Neutralize it from providing its services to the Yemeni people.

He stressed that targeting the corporation’s ports is a violation  of international humanitarian law and recognized international conventions, including the four Geneva Conventions and the protocols attached thereto, which criminalize targeting vital facilities that are indispensable to people, such as ports and economic establishments, as they are among the prohibited civilian objects, and this type of crimes are considered war crimes from First degree, crimes against humanity are not subject to the statute of limitations.

While the Director General of Engineering Projects, Chairman of the Damage Assessment Committee, Engineer Sami Abdullah Maqbouli, explained during the press conference that was held, on the occasion, about the size of direct and indirect losses, and the societal losses that affected the corporation’s ports, which amounted to two billion 160 million and 316 thousand dollars since the beginning of the aggression in 2015 until 2020.

Eng. Maqbouli pointed out that the forces of aggression blockaded and targeted the corporation’s ports, which led to the suspension of the implementation of the development and expansion projects that the Foundation was about to implement.

In the press conference, a statement issued by the Foundation was read in which it confirmed that the siege and targeting of the systematic aggression of the institution and its ports within five years did not weaken the determination of its employees and cadres to proceed with all determination and steadfastness in improving performance and continuing work and self-reliance.

The statement stressed the need to lift restrictions imposed on the entry of commercial goods, oil derivatives, and medicines through all Yemeni ports and ports, pointing to the forces of aggression that still practice maritime piracy by preventing the entry of ships and carriers even though they have obtained permits from the United Nations Verification and Inspection Mission (UNVM).

The statement indicated that the continued piracy of the aggression and its detention of oil derivative ships will lead to disastrous results that do not have consequences for all service sectors that come into contact with the lives of citizens, especially health, water, electricity and hygiene.

The Foundation affirmed that the crime of targeting and blockade that affected the corporation’s ports is a violation and violation of international humanitarian law and recognized international conventions, including the four Geneva Conventions and the protocols attached to them, which criminalize targeting vital facilities that people are indispensable to.

The statement saluted the steadfastness of the Yemeni people, which exposed the goals and objectives of the aggression to the world that was silent and still silent due to what is happening in Yemen, including the killing of children and women and the violation of humanity.

The statement called on the international community to play its role in ending the aggression and blockade imposed on Yemen by pressuring the countries of aggression to implement the agreements concluded under the auspices of the United Nations and restore security and stability to Yemen and the region.

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