Ministry News

A workshop to evaluate the level of achievement of the Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority’s plan for the year 2023

A discussion workshop was held in Sanaa to review the report on the completion of the executive work plan of the Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority for the year 2023 within the strategic plan 2021-2025 AD for the national vision.

The workshop, organized by the General Administration of Planning and Quality at the Aviation Authority, aimed to develop the fields of civil aviation at the local and international levels within the framework of the national vision and strategy of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and to evaluate the Authority’s 2021-2025 plan, and come up with recommendations and solutions to the difficulties it faced.

In the workshop, the Caretaker Minister of Transport, Abdul Wahab Al-Durrah, stressed the importance of constructive strategic planning to develop and enhance the technical and professional work of the Authority and keep pace with global developments in the field of civil aviation to achieve the best results.

He pointed out that the workshop comes within the framework of modernizing and developing the Authority’s work in the field of air navigation and civil aviation, as it is one of the institutions subject to the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization.

Minister Al-Durra pointed to the Authority’s successes, most notably obtaining a quality certificate in the field of aviation security safety, and its determination to achieve quality certificates in the field of meteorology and air navigation.

He urged the Authority’s leadership to pay attention to training, qualification, and developing the technical and professional capabilities of the Authority’s cadres, and to keep pace with developments to provide distinguished air navigation services.

In the workshop, which was attended by the Undersecretary for the Air Transport Sector, Abdullah Al-Ansi, the Chairman of the Civil Aviation Authority, Dr. Muhammad Abdul Qader, pointed out the importance of the workshop in evaluating the work and activity of the Authority and its sectors.

He explained that one of the Authority’s priorities during the coming period is to focus on the airport sector and its development, especially Sana’a International Airport, and rehabilitate it in accordance with international requirements and the Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). He stressed that work will be done to rehabilitate the Sana’a Airport runway, aircraft parking lots and taxiways, and develop the aviation field in general, among others. Facilities to ensure security and safety for aircraft and passengers.

He pointed out that the Authority is working hard to bring about a qualitative leap in development and modernization in the field of air navigation to create a kind of international competition. It is also working to provide quality air navigation services that enhance its vision, stressing its commitment to implementing all requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization.
While the Director General of Planning and Quality, Hashim Abdel Qader, pointed out the importance of the workshop to identify the achievements made and evaluate the projects completed for the authority’s sectors during the year 2023 AD, and to review the level of performance during the past year and the components of the plan and analyze the reality of the civil aviation and meteorology sector.

In addition, the Director of the Strategic Planning Department at the Authority, Mohammed Al-Nahmi, presented a presentation of the most prominent achievements achieved by the Authority, its sectors, and the rest of the other authorities in meteorology, air navigation, aviation safety, and airports, in addition to the difficulties that faced the plan.

During the workshop, which was attended by the Authority’s assistant undersecretaries and general and department directors, the Minister of Transport and the Chairman of the Civil Aviation Authority honored the entities that achieved the highest percentage of achievement, and those achieving qualitative achievements with certificates and shields.


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