Ministry News

Transport sector plan discussed, level of job discipline checked

An expanded meeting chaired by the Minister of Transport in the caretaker government, Abdul Wahab Al-Durra, discussed the ministry’s work plan for the coming period and the level of job discipline on the first day of official working hours after the end of the blessed Eid Al-Fitr holiday.

The meeting, in the presence of Deputy Minister of Transport Mohammed Al Hashemi, Undersecretaries for the Air Transport Sector Abdullah Al-Ansi, Financial and Administrative Affairs Adel Al-Madani, and President of the Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority, Dr. Muhammad Abdul Qader, reviewed the ministry’s programs and various sectors included in the development plan for the current year 1445-2024.

In the meeting, the Minister of Transport stressed the importance of promoting and developing the various transport sectors during the coming stages, which contributes to making a qualitative leap in professional work with high efficiency in the transport sector.

He praised the level of job discipline on the first day of official working hours. He urged redoubling efforts to keep pace with the requirements of the stage and achieve more achievements in various fields of transport that touch the needs of the citizen.

Minister Al-Durra pointed to the interest and keenness of the revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council in transport institutions and their various bodies and facilitating all their tasks and strategic projects that would alleviate the suffering of citizens and their needs.

He pointed to the heroic role of the Palestinian resistance played by the mujahideen in the Gaza Strip in confronting Israeli aggression and defeating their criminal plans.

Minister Al-Durra reiterated Yemen’s firm position to support and support the Palestinian people by preventing all Israeli ships and ships heading to their ports, as well as American and British ships that launch aggression against Yemen.

“There is no concern for all ships in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean that cross the Bab al-Mandab Strait and the Cape of Good Hope, except for the Israeli, American and British ships,” he said.

The Minister of Transport revealed that the number of ships that crossed the Bab al-Mandab Strait since last January until April 13 is 6,500 ships, according to the statistics of the Regional Maritime Center and the Ship Traffic Information Center at the ministry.

He stressed the need to open airports and ports, especially Sanaa International Airport, and to allow all Arab and international civil aviation companies to operate their flights to and from Sanaa International Airport.

The meeting was attended by the Undersecretary of the Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority, Raed Jabal, the Assistant Undersecretary for the Land Transport Sector Abdul Malik Sharaf Al-Din, and the directors general and employees of the Ministry of Transport.



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