Ministry News

Minister of Transport congratulates the Leader of the Revolution and the Chairman of the Political Council on the ninth anniversary of the September 21 Revolution

 Minister of Transport, Abdul-Wahab Al-Durra, sent a cable of congratulations to the Leader of the Revolution, Mr. Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi al-Mashat, Chairman of the Supreme Political Council, on the ninth anniversary of the September 21 Revolution.

Minister Al-Durra pointed out that the glorious September 21 revolution embodied all the meanings of freedom, independence, and salvation from dependency and dependency on the outside.

He stressed the progress behind the wise revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council in translating and achieving the goals of the blessed revolution, pointing out that the September 21 revolution is a popular revolution that was launched to achieve goals that would advance the nation.

The Minister of Transport considered the September 21 revolution an exceptional achievement for the Yemeni people, as it translates the aspirations of all the people of the country to build a modern, sovereign and independent Yemeni state.

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