Ministry News

YRSPC warns of humanitarian catastrophe on near run out of fuel

Yemen’s Red Sea Ports Corporation (YRSPC)  has warned of a humanitarian disaster if the operation at its ports is halted.

The YRSPC said in a statement,  the diesel material needed to operate the equipment and machinery of Hodeidah and Salif ports will soon run out.

The statement condemned the continuation of the aggression coalition countries in its arbitrary and vicious practices in detaining oil derivatives ships despite obtaining licenses to enter the port of Hodeidah.

It held the states of the aggressive countries and United Nations fully responsible for the consequences of halting the operational processes of the ports of Hodeidah and al-Salif in the event the aggression coalition continues to detain oil ships.

The YRSPC’s statement issued a distress call to the international community for urgent intervention and pressure on the Countries of the Aggression coalition to launch oil derivatives ships and allow their entry into the port of Hodeidah and avoid a catastrophic humanitarian tragedy in Yemen.

The YRSPC reiterated the call for the United Nations, its organizations, and the international community, especially the permanent members of the Security Council, to take serious action to lift the blockade on Yemen and enable oil derivative ships to reach Hodeidah port to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people.

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