An introductory seminar at the Ministry of Transport on the tasks of the SNACC and Enhancing integrity
corruption fighting and Enhancing integrity
The first introductory seminar entitled “Corruption hinders the nation’s present and threatens its future” was held in Sana’a today, organized by the SNACC and the Ministry of Transport, within the framework of the anti-corruption awareness and training program at the Ministry of Transport, its bodies and institutions.
The symposium aimed to introduce the functions and roles of the SNACC, to strengthen the system of moral values and the values of transparency, integrity and accountability, to mobilize the employees’ interest in carrying out their duties in the face of corruption, and to strengthen the convictions of employees of the Ministry of Transport, its bodies and institutions, in combating corruption.
One hundred leaders and employees of the Ministry of Transport, its bodies and institutions, got acquainted with a number of main axes, most notably the role of the Supreme National Authority for Combating Corruption, its functions and competencies, the system of domestic and international legislation in combating corruption and the mechanisms of reports and complaints in corruption crimes.
In the symposium, in the presence of the representatives of the Ministry of Transport and officials of its affiliated bodies and institutions, Abdullah Al-Ansi, the Deputy Minister of Transport for the Air Transport Sector, referred to the importance of making use of the symposium’s axes in combating corruption, considering the awareness and training program as a positive sign to move towards a Yemen free of corruption and favoritism and a state of institutions, system and law.
He stressed the need to pay attention to raising awareness among the Ministry’s employees and promoting a participatory community environment that advocates the values of integrity and transparency, urges accountability and combats corruption in all its forms.
Three working papers were presented at the symposium, the first presented by a member of the Supreme National Authority for Combating Corruption and Chair of the Awareness and Education Committee, Dr. Maryam Abdullah Al-Joufi, on the role of the commission, its functions and competencies.
She indicated that the Ministry of Transport was proactive in partnering with the authority to enhance the values of integrity, transparency and combating corruption … pointing to the dangerous effects of corruption on various aspects of life, not only in Yemen, but in all countries of the world.
She talked about the United Nations Convention against Corruption and the legislative framework to combat corruption in Yemen, as well as the legal procedures for the formation of the commission … stressing the importance of coordination with all state agencies in promoting and developing the necessary measures to prevent corruption and coordinating with the media to educate society about the dangers of this phenomenon.
Dr. Al-Joufi pointed to the authority’s role in preparing and implementing public policies and the national strategy to combat corruption in partnership with all parties in the national integrity system, noting that coordination is currently underway to prepare the national anti-corruption strategy 2021-2025 based on the national vision to build the modern Yemeni state.
The second working paper presented by a member of the Supreme National Authority for Combating Corruption, Muhammad Qasim Al-Asbahi, a member of the Investigation and Investigation Committee, entitled “Mechanism for receiving reports, complaints, investigation and investigation of corruption crimes,” dealt with anti-corruption crimes and its types defined by Law No. (39) of 2006, and the mechanism for receiving communications. Complaints, the legal basis for this mechanism and the means for receiving them.
He referred to the Commission’s tasks in the field of investigating and investigating corruption crimes and recovering money, and the tasks of the Investigation and Investigation Department into corruption crimes, reviewing the Commission’s efforts to implement the tasks and judicial follow-up, recover and protect whistleblowers and witnesses who submit reports and complaints in accordance with the provisions of the Anti-Corruption Law.
While the third working paper submitted by a member of the National Anti-Corruption Commission and Head of the Legislation Committee, Dr. Ahmed Abdul-Malik Hamid al-Din, talked about international and national anti-corruption legislation, considering corruption as a global phenomenon that requires global consensus to combat it through a number of steps, most notably the evaluation of legislation and fixing defects In it, training specialists and international cooperation in control.
The paper dealt with the contents of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, its objectives, scope of application, its main pillars, the obligations set by the convention on the states party to it, and the mechanisms for its implementation.
The paper also reviewed the system of national anti-corruption legislation in Yemen and the role of the commission in legislative measures and its procedures in the prosecution and trial of perpetrators of corruption crimes.
The symposium was enriched with interventions and discussions by the participants in the matter of promoting transparency and integrity, combating corruption and preventing it.
It is noteworthy that the awareness and training program, which was launched last Monday by the Anti-Corruption Authority and the Ministry of Transport, will last for more than two months, and includes awareness seminars and training courses in the areas of transparency, integrity, accountability, corruption risks and prevention measures, printing of posters and brochures, and the production of awareness and educational flashes