Ministry News

Discuss the level of performance of the executive unit in the transport sector

A meeting in Sana’a today chaired by the head of the main executive unit of the National Vision for the Transport Sector, Eng. Nazir Al-Debai, discussed the level of performance of the unit in the ministry and its sectors.

The meeting, in the presence of the representative of the Executive Office of the National Vision, Abdul Majeed Al-Batali, and members of the executive unit of the transport sector, reviewed the unit activity report in the Ministry’s sectors and sub-units in its bodies and institutions.

The meeting discussed the mechanism for monitoring and evaluating projects within the plan of the first phase of the vision, what has been achieved and the difficulties it faces.

At the meeting, Al-Dubai called the proposals for projects and initiatives that were included in the first progress plan, according to the priorities that would advance the transport sector.

He appreciated the cooperation of the executive office of the national vision in providing the required data and forms and overcoming the difficulties facing the ministry, enabling it to accomplish the required tasks.

For his part, Al-Batali affirmed that the visit of the executive units in the ministries comes to determine the level of achievement, evaluate the performance and the difficulties it faces, and strive to address it.

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