Ministry News

Meteorologist denies entering a new depression in Yemen

The meteorology sector of the General Authority of Civil Aviation and Meteorology denied what was reported by some media and social media outlets attributed to an official authority about the entry of a new depression to our country.

A statement issued by the meteorological sector expressed his surprise at these statements and warnings on behalf of the Yemeni Meteorological and Geological Survey Authority, which does not exist as an official body in our country.

The statement emphasized that the National Center of Meteorology in the meteorology sector of the General Authority of Civil Aviation and Meteorology continues to issue regular daily bulletins and special bulletins according to the severity of the expected weather situation.

He explained that our country has been affected for months by the natural rainy season due to the convergence of a number of factors that have characterized this year by the continuing instability of the atmosphere and the increase in the amounts of rain in it.

He pointed out that the widening instability in the air will lead to rain of varying intensity from one region to another in large areas of our country, and in return, other areas will remain outside the influence, pointing out that it is a continuation of the natural season, which is not a cause for exaggerated concern as promoted.

The meteorology sector noted that it works with high professionalism to ensure the safety of life and property in the air, land and sea, to ensure that the service reaches all beneficiaries in all economic sectors, especially during turbulent weather conditions, and in record time.

The statement said, “We have mechanisms in the National Meteorological Center that are followed in dealing with instability in the air, and various special bulletins that start with alert, warning and warning, then emergency that are published daily on its official website under the name: Yemen Meteorological Services, And other various social media.

The meteorology sector called on the various media, citizens and civil society organizations to be careful and cautious when publishing news, especially related to the safety of life and property, and to warn that it will happen or not.

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