Ministry News

An expanded meeting at the Ministry of Industry to announce higher directives to provide facilities to the commercial sector


The Ministry of Industry and Trade held an expanded meeting chaired by a member of the Supreme Political Council, Muhammad Ali Al-Houthi, to announce higher directives to the revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council to provide facilities to the private and commercial sectors.

The meeting, in the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister for Services and Development Affairs, Dr. Hussein Makbouli, Economic Affairs, Minister of Finance, Dr. Rashid Abu Lahoum, and Minister of Industry Abdul Wahab Al-Durra, reviewed government efforts to alleviate the burdens on citizens resulting from the aggression and the siege and the steps taken by the countries of aggression and its mercenaries through the decision to raise the price of customs tariffs. And printing illegal currency.

At the meeting, a member of the Supreme Political Council announced the directives issued by His Excellency President Mahdi Al-Mashat, to suspend 49 percent of customs for every container loaded with goods entering from the port of Hodeidah, in addition to the customs dollar price of 250 riyals.. Pointing out that the government was directed to contract A meeting to develop an implementation matrix for these directives.

He stressed the provision of all facilities to traders from all governorates of the republic who import goods through the port of Hodeidah… calling on everyone to return to the port of Hodeidah as it is the main port that has the ability to receive ships and containers.

The senior political member pointed out the keenness of the state and the government to achieve a balance between the interests of citizens and the private and commercial sector.. He said, “We are on the side of the merchant as long as he stands on the side of the citizen.”

He valued the role of the national private sector in supporting development efforts and carrying out its social and humanitarian responsibilities, especially in light of the current circumstances the country is going through due to the aggression and siege.

He touched on the plans and objectives of the aggression coalition to strike the national economy and harm it, the movement of trade and the livelihood of the citizen.. He pointed out that strengthening and developing the partnership between the government sector and the private sector will fail their plans.

He added, “The Yemeni people will come out tomorrow to say that America is the cause of the suffering and is the one who imposes the siege, and to express its rejection of the aggressive American policies towards Yemen and its people.”

Muhammad Ali al-Houthi urged the continuation of cooperation between the government and the private sector in a way that serves the citizen. He called on merchants and national capital to invest in local manufacturing and benefit from the country’s assets, which contributes to employing manpower and reducing the import bill.

He expressed his pride in the role of the private sector and commercial houses and standing with him and supporting him.

The member of the Supreme Political Council referred to the keenness of the Yemeni leadership, government and people to achieve peace, stressing that America and the countries of aggression are the ones who reject peace and any calls or initiatives in this regard.

He referred to the initiatives that were presented, including the comprehensive political solution document to achieve security, stability, security and peace for the Yemeni people.

For his part, the Deputy Prime Minister for Services and Development Affairs indicated that we are at a crossroads between the mercenary government that seeks and works to starve the people and increase their suffering and siege, and the government of the Republic of Yemen in Sana’a, which is working hard to protect the homeland and the citizen and defend their freedom, independence and sovereignty.

He pointed to the facilities provided by the government to the private and commercial sectors for importing through the port of Hodeidah, stressing the port’s readiness to receive cargo ships and containers.

Dr. Maqboli condemned the continuation of the blockade and preventing the entry of oil derivatives ships.. He called on the Yemeni people to come out honorably tomorrow to denounce the American blockade and the aggressive measures and decisions to raise the price of customs tariffs.

He affirmed the government’s support for the national private and commercial sector and to provide all aspects of support and assistance to it.

The Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs and the Minister of Finance indicated that this meeting comes within the framework of implementing the directives of the revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council to provide incentives and facilities to traders and importers, whether in transportation, customs or other operations.

He pointed out that the escalatory steps taken by the countries of aggression on the economic side aim to increase the suffering of the Yemeni people and hit the national economy by pumping counterfeit currencies and violating the exchange rate.. Noting that the Salvation Government maintained exchange rates as a result of the measures it followed and the cooperation of everyone, including the private sector.

Dr. Abu Lahou urged the continuation of meetings between the government sector and the private sector to develop solutions and remedies for any problems first hand.

In turn, the Minister of Industry touched on the ministry’s efforts, in cooperation with the private sector, to overcome the effects of the decisions of the aggression and their mercenaries by raising the price of customs tariffs.

He pointed out that the United Nations coordinator in Sana’a was contacted and met so that the international organization would play its role in pressing for the annulment of the decision.

Minister Al-Durra valued the direction of the revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council to suspend 49 percent of customs for those who import from traders through the port of Hodeidah, as well as providing all facilities to the private and commercial sector in the interest of the country and the citizen.

He praised the positions of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the provincial chambers of commerce and industry and its categorical rejection of the decision to raise the customs tariff.

He explained that this meeting comes in implementation of the outcomes of a series of meetings and meetings that took place between the Ministry of Industry and the private and commercial sectors, to discuss a number of issues related to commercial and economic activity and to develop solutions to any problems it faces in coordination with all concerned government agencies.

He stressed the ministry’s readiness to provide all facilities to the private and commercial sector to import through the port of Hodeidah, calling on merchants to coordinate with the shipping companies to facilitate import operations from Hodeidah port.

At the meeting, in the presence of the Chairman of the Higher Agricultural and Fishing Committee Ibrahim Al-Madani, Deputy Minister of Industry Muhammad Ahmad Al-Hashemi, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Dr. Radwan Al-Rubai, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Industry for the Internal Trade Sector Bassam Al-Gharbani and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Transport Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr, the Director General of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry Muhammad Qaflah and the President of the Chamber of Commerce And the Industrial City in the Municipality of Hasan al-Kbous and a number of merchants, to the repercussions and effects of the decision of Aden customs authorities to raise the price of the customs tariff on the economic situation in all parts of the country.

They stressed the importance of encouraging competition, removing any obstacles or hindrances to the private and commercial sector, and facilitating import operations from the port of Hodeidah.

The meeting approved the continuation of holding meetings between government agencies and the private sector to discuss and study solutions and treatments for various issues facing commercial and economic work and import operations from the port of Hodeidah, as well as providing government facilities and incentives.

The meeting was attended by the head of the Customs Authority Youssef Zabara, the head of the Investment Authority, Yasser Al-Mansour, the head of the Land Transport Regulatory Authority Walid Al-Wadayi, the head of the Ports Corporation Muhammad Ishaq, a number of officials of the relevant ministries, bodies, departments and government institutions, members of the board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the Capital Municipality and businessmen.

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