Ministry News

The Red Sea Ports Corporation and the sectors operating in Hodeidah Port celebrate the memory of the martyr

Sunday 5-5-1445 AH, the Yemeni Red Sea Ports Corporation, the Maritime Affairs, Standardization and Quality Control Authority and the Hodeidah Port Customs organized a speech event to celebrate the anniversary of the martyr for the year 1445 AH.

The event, which was attended by the head of the foundation, Marine Engineer Yasser Muhammad Ahmed, focused on the greatness of martyrdom, the status of the martyrs, their high status, and the sacrifices they made in defense of land, honor, and national sovereignty.

The governorate’s deputy for services affairs, Muhammad Suleiman Halisi, considered the commemoration of the martyr a reminder of the sacrifices of the martyrs and their valor in defending the homeland, pointing out the importance of the anniversary in reviving the culture of jihad and martyrdom in the souls of society and crowning the giving, struggle and sacrifice of the martyrs in the victory over the oppression of the Yemeni people.
He explained that Yemenis commemorate the anniversary of the martyr every year because of the connotations it carries in strengthening identity, consolidating the culture of giving and giving, and confirming the path of the great martyrs.

He pointed to the sacrifices of the martyrs, day after day, as the free people of Yemen competed to obtain the honor of defending Yemen, in an image that embodies pride, pride, steadfastness and steadfastness in the face of the forces of aggression and their conspiratorial plans aimed at tearing apart the social fabric and national cohesion.

For his part, Director General of Legal Affairs at the Foundation, Mutahar Al-Amdi, praised the status of the martyrs and the pride and pride in their sacrifices, stressing the importance of consolidating the culture of martyrdom and feeling responsibility and religious and national duty in caring for the families of the martyrs and their relatives.

He urged Al-Amdi to continue in the same spirit and on the same path that the great martyrs walked, and to triumph over the project they carried and sacrificed themselves for.
He explained that Yemenis commemorate the anniversary of the martyr every year because of the connotations it carries in strengthening identity, consolidating the culture of giving and giving, and confirming the path of the great martyrs.

He pointed to the sacrifices of the martyrs, day after day, as the free people of Yemen competed to obtain the honor of defending Yemen, in an image that embodies pride, pride, steadfastness and steadfastness in the face of the forces of aggression and their conspiratorial plans aimed at tearing apart the social fabric and national cohesion.

For his part, Director General of Legal Affairs at the Foundation, Mutahar Al-Amdi, praised the status of the martyrs and the honor and pride in their sacrifices, stressing the importance of consolidating the culture of martyrdom and feeling responsibility and religious and national duty in caring for the families of the martyrs and their relatives.

He urged Al-Amdi to continue in the same spirit and on the same path that the great martyrs walked, and to triumph over the project they carried and sacrificed themselves for.






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