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The epidemic control committee recognizes the essential needs of localities to face the Corona pandemic

The Higher Ministerial Committee for Combating Epidemics, in its meeting today chaired by Prime Minister Dr. Abdulaziz Saleh bin Habtoor, continued to discuss the level of implementation of precautionary government decisions and measures related to confronting Corona, where the committee discussed the report of the main operations room in the prime minister on the results of its follow-up to various ministries and relevant authorities at the central levels And local authorities regarding their implementation of precautionary decisions and measures to confront the Corona pandemic, especially in the ports and the extent of their commitment to the decision to facilitate the entry of goods from the port of Hodeidah and the various ports between the governorates and at the level of each province , With determining the quality and magnitude of the difficulties that a number of agencies, especially the local authority, face and their direct effects on the implementation process and thus achieving their precautionary goals and protecting the safety and health of citizens.

The meeting discussed the presentation of the Minister of Local Administration Ali Al-Qaisi, on the main necessary requirements assigned to the local authority in the Capital and Provincial Secretariat, the first stage, to perform their basic roles in the context of applying their own precautions and precautions to confront this pandemic, especially those related to quarantine in the outlets, as well as the accompanying coordination mechanism To carry out joint actions with ministries and central agencies, specifically public health, population, water, environment, industry and trade.

The committee approved the requirements contained in the memorandum, and directed the concerned authorities to provide it quickly with the support of localities in implementing the precautionary measures assigned to them to confront this virus.

The committee recommended the judiciary to establish a criminal court to consider urgent cases, foremost of which is the trial of smugglers involved in smuggling, people who are smuggled and who may be carrying the virus, and applying the harshest penalties for the smuggling process that they carry without being subjected to quarantine directly to millions of Citizens.

The Supreme Committee affirmed keenness to take advantage of various societal initiatives, which would enhance the official effort to face any emergency related to Corona, including the youth initiative to produce respirators.

The Committee expressed its appreciation and thanks to the General Authority of Zakat for its recent initiative to supply ten thousand food bags for quarantine in the wild outlets … and urged other institutions to contribute to supporting the precautionary measures and initiating what they deem appropriate to support the preventive effort in the outlets and in other aspects related to confronting the virus .

The Committee directed the Ministry of Industry and Trade to intensify its efforts to ensure the quality and safety of foodstuffs offered, continuous monitoring of markets and to take legal measures against price manipulators.

The meeting discussed the status of civil defense and its basic needs of equipment and equipment, and the importance of work to advance the status of this institution, which has a great responsibility in preserving and protecting lives and public and private property in times of emergency and natural disasters, by providing them with the needs and equipment that flow to its work, and the possibility of assigning humanitarian organizations to these The process is based on the vital civil and humanitarian role it has towards society with its various social strata.

The committee sent a written warning to its members who are not present at its meetings, due to the importance of the Supreme Committee and the nature of its job, which requires high care by all members and their responsible interaction. The Supreme Committee had reviewed and approved the minutes of the previous meeting.

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