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How will the conscious generations of human beings read this defining moment? How will you analyze that tragic and wild scene?

The Corona pandemic (covid-19) that swept the world, specifically on the “planet of the rich” from capitalists conjecturing money and wealth, revealed to us a set of abnormal behaviors, behaviors, and practices emanating from them, whether they were from the political class, from the immense financial power, or from the makers The decision, and they are a segment that is an authoritarian “minority” that governs the destinies of all humanity, has gained tremendous influence and influence in the course of the entire history of humanity, especially those who lead the steering of all nations after the Second World War and even before, which are the behaviors, behaviors and practices of that narcissistic person who is steeped in selfishness And self From his head to toe.


It is these who guided the entire path of the movement of human societies from the primitive Stone Age to the stage of excessive consumption of goods and services, that is, the stage of “monopoly capitalism”, as charmed by German thinker Karl Marx and his fellow intellectual mentor Friedrich Engels.


The successive stages of human history have witnessed many phenomena of selfish behavior, opportunistic utilitarianism, and dirty Machiavellian pragmatism, which is the illegal “takeover” behavior.


Perhaps this is rooted in the roots of the entire human societies formation, since people bid farewell to the simple communal life in the beginnings of knowing it to form the root of private property, but what we saw and witnessed during the world in February and March 2020 was something completely different, perhaps it exceeded All eras and centuries before our time. They are strange and frightening phenomena for all mankind.


How will the conscious generations of human beings read this defining moment ?! How will you analyze that tragic and wild scene ?! For many centuries, man demonstrated tolerance, sublimity over wounds, fraternal human generosity, human rights, and human solidarity, by eliminating artificial political boundaries. How will you study the issue that man is the brother of man in the coming days ?!


There is a complex problem in the culture and upbringing of the human being who grew up on self-love and individual domination, and who was later authorized by capitalist economic thought, such as Adam Smith, Ricardo and Priest Malthus. These legalized and legalized the absolute individuality of man’s strength and subtlety.


All of this leads us to the central question: Is the selfishness of the individual is the axis and basis of development in this era and previous eras for us ?! Did selfishness and self-worship with absolute excessive narcissism alone created all that enormous competition between individuals and groups, and made that impressive result in civilizations, science and technology throughout history ?!


Consequently, we have the right to pose at a defining moment in the life of mankind the central question: Why did God Almighty bring the three heavenly religions to earth and man, in addition to what came from the ideas and theories of those who preceded us from the philosophers and the wise, who planted the wisdom of virtue in man within the course of the development of humanity Since the beginning of creation, when was its history, biography, and written down written and documented?


We all followed, and still do, through social media, the World Wide Web, and satellite channels, the terrifying news of Covid 19 virus that invaded the whole world. That creature, which was not seen with the naked eye, invaded the rich and poor countries fairly, and showed remarkable confusion among the big countries industrially, economically and culturally, with its politicized and exaggerated health systems, but it appeared to the public opinion that it was destroyed and destroyed, and that cities and big noisy provinces, such as New York, Tuscany, Venice and Madrid, She did not even find coffins (shrouds) for her death, that the United States of America hijacks the masks and artificial respirators sent to Paris and Berlin and turns them into Washington, and that a newly emerging country, such as the Czech Republic, hijacks antiseptics and gags sent to Italy, And that Italy, in turn, is hijacking a ship headed to Green Tunisia loaded with medical materials and devices, and that the Israeli Zionist Mossad, as usual in piracy, as a group of dirty gangs, sent its gangs to secure the devices required for its citizens sick with the Corona virus from a number of countries.


It’s unbelievable news. This is the news circulated around the clock on Arab and foreign satellite channels. For this, one is puzzled by the blatant contradiction between what was promoted in the ethics of human democracy (modernity) in Western countries and the reality of piracy and plundering operations (the eyes of your eye), and it no longer matters to those governments, people and nationalities that you heard and what will be said about them, as if their condition says: Manage myself now, and tomorrow world public opinion will forget the fall of that bright, lying moral ethic.


In the face of the Corona pandemic storm, two struggling visions are circulating in the United States of America, and free and transparent discussions are taking place. The first vision says that the best interest of Americans is to adopt the principle of stopping social isolation, moving to workplaces, to break that stalemate in the economic aspect, and starting after the current month of April this year for everyone to go out to the job market, study, travel, travel, and others. The goal is not to give in to the Coronavirus, so that the economy does not completely collapse and enter the Great Recession.


Theorists of this trend say that the capitalist economy can only cover one or two months’ expenditures. In what is beyond it, the macroeconomics of any capitalist country will turn into rubble, and the economic gains achieved for decades will turn into losses, and economies and states alike may collapse, and then the state with all its institutions will collapse.


This opinion is adopted by President Donald Trump and a large part of the theoretical view of this radical trend from the Republican Party, in order to win the presidential elections next November.

The other opinion adopts the thesis of the continuation of voluntary and compulsory social isolation, and pumping more financial possibilities and aid to needy families who lost their jobs due to the pandemic, and says that the health of citizens is more expensive than the economy.


In addition to the immorality of those who are ultra-blind against humanity, and they are a greedy and long capitalist column that extends from the east of the globe, in light of these exceptional health conditions, they are still practicing the policy of siege and dirty sanctions against their opponents in the world, and continue to make painful economic and financial decisions really Peoples who disagree with their opinion and position.


The most evident of this is the decisions of America to besiege the Iranian and Syrian people, and the Iraqi, Palestinian, and Yemeni people and the Cuban and Venezuelan people accepted them, and the American administration did not find any boredom as it punishes the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China.


All of this is based on preventing free peoples from deciding one day their own destiny, and that everyone in this earthly planet must follow the will of Americans and global Zionism. And whoever comes out of this hill, his fate will be the siege, sanctions, coups and other methods of blatant interference, whether it is soft or rough.


President Donald Trump was elected on the basis that his base was European (white) racism, and in the electoral language they were called “populist” voters. This term is nothing more than a linguistic singular term, but its content and the content of electoral programs are based on hostility to foreigners, immigrants, Muslim and Jewish minorities, black African race, and peoples from Latin America, meaning that it is a hateful racial hostility, and Mr. Trump does not shy away from saying any word that strengthens the American voter White with the feeling that he is above all, that the white man is mentally superior to the rest of the races, and echoed the saying of the Chinese virus, and that America’s interests are first of all the people of the world and so on.


Racial education destroyed Europe and the world, and the result was World War II, which caused the death of more than 60 million people. Therefore, if the Western world and its complex culture do not learn from lessons, it may repeat the tragedy of world wars. Therefore, if we see anyone who is interested in igniting the war without noticing or stopping it, we will be partners in the crime that will afflict humanity.

The racist mentality that was deposited in some minds of European classes and groups is still present. A week ago, two French doctors announced that they had invented a vaccine against the Coronavirus, but they were desirable to start experimenting with citizens in Africa. Thus are the sediments of French education and the backward colonial mentality, which is the real and hateful racism that heads its head in the sharp turns of the development of human society.


There are political and ethnic trends that remain constant in the European mentality inherited from the experiences of centuries ago. For example, the call to implement the “one herd in society” theory, which was promoted by Mr. Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of Britain, and announced by some right-wing politicians in the Federal Republic of Germany, aimed at the idea or theory of “survival of the strongest” which was considered by the English scientist Charles Darwin And the English priest Thomas Malthus and the German Nazi scholars, meaning that the pandemic will come on the weak segment of the European society of patients, people with special needs and the elderly, which are Nazi ideas with distinction that says that the German-Aryan race is the pure race of all impairments, and only the strong and pure pain Mezen for human beings, are we still in the early twenty-first century to promote ideas such as those sick and inhumane ?!


All divine religions reject all those unethical racist theses. God says in the text of his noble book, addressing the Messenger Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace): {You are of great creation}, and the Messenger Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) says of his message: “I was sent to fulfill the morals of honor”, ​​meaning that morals are the opposite of the disease of racism. Abhor, and that the proper approach in all religions is ethics.


The poet prince Ahmed Shawky says in one of his greatest verses about the value of morals in the rise of nations:

Rather, the nations are morals, they are not left

Ethics is one of the most important meanings of the righteousness of nations, and it is a basic driver for its development. Thus are the lofty meanings that were brought to us by the divine and positivistic religions and the summaries of the philosophical thought of the wise and pre-religious thinkers, that is, racism, selfishness and narcissistic opportunism are abhorrent qualities that all religions fought against.


We realize that the utopian dreams of a virtuous society outside man’s desires and aspirations did not happen and will not happen in our earthly planet. He sent messengers, prophets, and reformers, because it is a divine realization to curb the excess of human greed in desires, desires and possession, which are selfish human characteristics that have destroyed man and mankind in more than one event, including, for example, the destruction of the climate in our globe, which would not have existed for this virus That person overstated f I am exhausted, exhausted, and destroyed the elements of its survival.


Reports and information indicate that the suspension of airports, ports, giant railways and car traffic, and the stops of major factories, have contributed greatly to reducing carbon dioxide emissions at unprecedented rates, and were undoubtedly in favor of environmental recovery, and that the Chinese citizen in Wuhan witnessed And, for the first time, the sky of his city was clear blue, and the inhabitants of Venice witnessed, for the first time, the movement of fish and dolphins roaming in the alleys and neighborhoods of the clear water city.


Some farmers on the outskirts of Bandung, Indonesia, say they have seen, for the first time, the growth of new rare flowers, knowing that this type of flower has become extinct and has not grown for decades.

The residents of the great banks of the Nile and the Amazon saw the movement of the famous salmon trek triple out of the ordinary, and ecologists told us that the ozone hole was gradually recovering. There are many evidences that indicate that our planet is slowly beginning to purify itself from the abomination of human greed in excess of selfishness.


This weak creature that cannot be seen with the naked eye has stopped human greed and selfishness, and it has not stopped production and movement for centuries. With this compulsory cessation, the environment improved in a record way that leads us to contemplate and reflect on God’s creation, and compels all mankind, in its economic and social systems, to rethink a thousand times in the correct dealings with the earth, its surroundings and its environment, and God knows all of us.

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