Ministry News

A course for employees of the Ministry of Transport in preparing specialized publications


A training course in preparing specialized publications for public relations was held in Sana’a today, organized by the Ministry of Transport and its affiliated bodies and institutions.

The course aimed at providing 35 participants from the employees of the Ministry of Transport, its bodies and institutions, with theoretical knowledge about the types of printed media that are produced in public relations, their objectives, and concepts of writing and editing printed media materials, and how to design and produce them.

The session, which comes within the framework of the first consultative meeting program for media and public relations officials and the national vision for building the modern Yemeni state, focused on the printed means of communication for relations in terms of concepts, types and objectives, writing and editing their content, designing and directing publications.

The Minister of Transport, Zakaria Al-Shami, pointed to the ministry’s direction during the current year to develop and modernize to upgrade the work of the Ministry of Transport, its bodies and institutions, stressing the importance of the role of the media during the next phase in highlighting events, developments, achievements, developments and others.

While the Director of Information and Public Relations at the Ministry, Moein Bahajaj, stressed the importance of the previous session and sessions held in all its axes and objectives.

He mentioned that the participants acquired, during the past few days, concepts of print, audio, visual, digital, electronic and media arts, and communication sites

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