Ministry News

An event for the Ministry of Transport and its bodies and institutions on the anniversary of the martyr

the Ministry of Transport and its affiliated bodies and institutions organized a speech and honoring event on the anniversary of the martyr 1445 AH.
At the event, the Mufti of Yemen, Allama Shams al-Din Sharaf al-Din, pointed out the importance of commemorating the anniversary to remember the greatness of martyrdom and the status of the martyrs who gave their most precious lives in support of God’s religion and in defense of Yemen, its security and stability.
He stated that the martyrs recorded the greatest heroics in the fields of pride and karma and subjected the enemies to the worst of torture… stressing the interest of the Revolutionary Leadership and the Supreme Political Council in the families of the martyrs, taking care of them permanently, and working to meet their needs based on everyone’s duty in gratitude for the sacrifices of the martyrs who gave their lives in defense of the homeland, its sovereignty, and its independence.
The Mufti of Yemen praised the operations carried out by the Yemeni armed forces against the occupying Zionist enemy in the Palestinian territories, pointing to the shameful positions of the normalized and puppet regimes regarding the horrific massacres to which the Palestinian people in Gaza are exposed, which devastates humanity.
He appreciated the historical position of the Yemeni people and the revolutionary leadership in supporting Palestine and supporting the steadfastness of the resistance in the face of the Zionist enemy.
For his part, Deputy Prime Minister of the Caretaker Government for Defense and Security Affairs, Lieutenant General Jalal Al-Ruwaishan, considered commemorating the martyr an important step to encourage martyrdom and revive the nation’s jihadist spirit.
He explained that the martyrs of the Yemeni people will remain a shining beacon guiding generations on the path to victory, glory, pride, and defending the word of God, the homeland, and the nation.
Al-Ruwaishan touched on the success of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation since the seventh of last October by the heroes of the Palestinian resistance, indicating that the world was surprised by the operation, while the Islamic world was indifferent and did not take any action in the face of the hysterical war that the Gaza Strip is being exposed to with the latest lethal air, sea and land weapons. By the Zionist entity.
He denounced the heinous crimes committed by the Zionist entity that turned the Gaza Strip into rubble, in which thousands of martyrs and wounded fell, most of them children, women and the elderly.
He added, “The Arabs are still maintaining their shameful silence, and some of them have declared their support for the Zionist enemy and issued statements denouncing the Palestinian resistance operations.”
The Deputy Prime Minister of the caretaker government affirmed that the Zionist crimes, and after a campaign of support and support from America, Britain, Germany, France and Italy for the Zionist enemy, and out of responsibility, pushed Yemen, represented by the leader of the revolution, Mr. Abdul-Malik bin Badr al-Din al-Houthi, the Supreme Political Council, the government, and with popular support, to announce that the Yemeni people stood firmly. Complete with Palestine.
He said, “The Yemeni position is still brave, steadfast, strong, and frank, not afraid of threats and not subject to rumors and rumors. The Yemeni armed forces launched ballistic and winged missiles and drones into the occupied Palestinian territories, detained Israeli ships, and declared the Red Sea a forbidden zone for the Zionist military and commercial movements until the brutal aggression against Gaza”.
Lieutenant General Al-Ruwaishan reiterated the continuation of Yemeni military operations, popular marches and events, indicating that the scope of military operations will expand according to developments in events until the Zionist aggression against Gaza stops.
He touched on the conspiracy led by America and Europe to defend the Zionist enemy and protect it from falling… pointing to the state of abandonment of the Arab peoples by their rulers and their normalized and practical regimes, with the exception of the axis of resistance, despite the scorched earth policy pursued by the Zionist enemy.
He also confirmed that the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation, after two months had passed, had achieved many of its goals and was still steadfast, carrying out its courageous combat operations and launching missiles and drones deep into the Zionist enemy and areas it had not expected.
At the event attended by the caretaker Ministers of Culture, Fisheries and State, Abdullah Al-Kabsi, Muhammad Al-Zubairi, Dr. Hamid Al-Mazjaji, and Deputy Minister of Culture Muhammad Haidara, Deputy Minister of Transport Muhammad Al-Hashimi considered the celebration of this anniversary an important milestone in highlighting the greatness and status of the martyrs, and highlighting their sacrifices and exploits in defense. About Yemen, its sovereignty and independence.
He emphasized following in the footsteps of the martyrs, those who sacrificed their lives in defense of the homeland, rejecting foreign tutelage and hegemony, and working to support the nation’s just causes, foremost among which is the cause of the Palestinian people.
He pointed out that loyalty to the blood of the martyrs comes through concern and care for their families, and following in their footsteps, in response to the nation’s aspirations to defend freedom and dignity.
Al-Hashemi praised the operations of the armed forces and navy that taught the Zionist enemy lessons in sacrifice in defense of Palestine, the Holy Land and the heroic Gaza, the latest of which was the naval forces’ targeting of two Israeli ships in the Red Sea.
The event, which was attended by the leadership of the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry’s undersecretaries, assistant undersecretaries, and the heads of its affiliated bodies and institutions, included a video report on the martyrs of the Ministry of Transport and its bodies, an operetta chant by the Al-Aqsa Band entitled “Stars of Eternity, the Pure Elite,” and a play entitled “This Martyr is Me” by the Popular Arts Troupe, and honoring the families of the Ministry’s martyrs. Transport, its bodies and institutions.
In addition, the Caretaker Deputy Prime Minister for Defense and Security Affairs, Lieutenant General Al-Ruwaishan, and the Deputy Minister of Transport, Al-Hashimi, reviewed the exhibition of martyrs of the Ministry of Transport and its bodies.


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