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Civil Service launches the second set of service guides for 15 public service units

Civil Service launches the second set of service guides for 15 public service units
in Sana’a, the Ministry of Civil Service and Insurance launched the second set of service manuals for 15 public service units.
At the inauguration, the Secretary of the Supreme Political Council, Dr. Yasser Al-Houri, indicated that the evidence represents an important system for everything that contributes to the formula of building the modern Yemeni state and a development strategy with a future impact on the development of the country.
He said, “We are coming towards radical, important and effective changes, and this evidence and administrative projects are part of the desired change, and the development of services is one of the fronts on which the Yemenis must be victorious, just as they were victorious over the American-Zionist aggression and arrogance.”
He stressed the importance of transforming the evidence into an actual practical and operational reality in reforming the administrative work system, considering such projects as drops to form a solid foundation for building the state despite the obstacles it faces.
Al-Houri pointed out that the services development guide project adopted by the Ministry of Civil Service is part of a series of projects aimed at improving the administrative and service sector, which has made a great effort over the past two years in organizing and arranging a lot of work in order to reform state institutions and improve their services.
For his part, Deputy Prime Minister of the Caretaker Government for National Vision Affairs, Mahmoud Al-Junaid, explained that the guide for developing services and simplifying procedures comes within the framework of the directives of the Leader of the Revolution and the President of the Supreme Political Council and the contents of the national vision for the modern Yemeni state to reform state institutions and facilitate their services and facilitation for the citizen in all public service facilities according to methodology and models. Unified concepts achieve integration and the digital transformation process.
The guide was considered one of the most important projects that will achieve success in developing performance in various state agencies, especially service ones, stressing the need for citizens to experience positive and qualitative change and transformation in service provision.
He praised the efforts of the Ministry of Civil Service in this aspect, which worked in partnership with the administrative sector to achieve and implement training projects and programs, including the Service Development Guide and the Code of Career Conduct, as well as its efforts in analyzing the situation of institutions and identifying needs, evidence and standard systems that the state lacks.
Al-Junaid pointed out at the inauguration, which was attended by the ministers of the caretaker government, Transport Abdul-Wahab Al-Durra and Planning Dr. Abdul-Aziz Al-Kumaim, the State Ahmed Nasser Al-Hamati, Ahmed Al-Ali and Radhya Abdullah, the heads of the Insurance and Pensions Authority Ibrahim Al-Haifi and the Social Insurance Corporation Sharaf Al-Din Al-Kahlani, and the Dean of the Institute of Administrative Sciences Dr. Muhammad Al-Qatabri, The state leadership seeks to develop the institutional structure, improve its work and the performance of its cadres, and provide quality services to the citizen who has suffered a lot, especially in light of the aggression and siege.
In turn, Deputy Minister of Civil Service Abdullah Al-Muayyad explained that 31 service manuals were launched, with the first group including 16 manuals, while during the last period 772 trainees were trained within 114 national teams representing 122 public service units.
He stressed that these outputs represent a national wealth and an essential step in the path of institutional development, especially since all that this evidence contains in terms of a clear and accurate description of the services, their procedures and conditions makes their results an important factor in the transition to the second generation of electronic services and then smart services.
He pointed out that the Ministry adopted the draft guide in implementation of the directives of the Revolutionary Leadership and the Supreme Political Council, which were keen to take care of the citizen, reduce their suffering, eliminate complex routines in administrative procedures and transactions, catch up with technical developments, and benefit from successful experiences in institutional development.
At the inauguration, in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Ali Sharaf al-Din, and the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Civil Service for the Oversight Sector, Abdullah Haider, the Deputy Minister of Civil Service urged the heads of the units that had not launched their manuals to follow up and facilitate the tasks of their teams to present their service manuals and begin implementing them.
The inauguration included a report on development, evidence, and honoring the development teams of the second group.

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