Ministry News

The Deputy Minister of Transport and a number of ministry leaders visit those stationed on the Bayda fronts

The Deputy Minister of Transport, Mr. Muhammad Al-Hashimi, on the second day of Eid Al-Fitr, along with the Governor of Al-Bayda, Abdullah Idris, and the Deputy Minister of Health, Dr. Mutahar Al-Marouni, inspected the conditions of those stationed in the military sites in Al-Bayda Governorate, including the front of Al-Zahir District, and exchanged congratulations with them on the occasion of the blessed Eid Al-Fitr.

Al-Hashemi, Idris, and Al-Marouni, along with the head of the Land Transport Regulatory Authority, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Muayyad, the two assistant undersecretaries of the Ministry of Transport, Abdul-Malik Sharaf Al-Din, the Civil Aviation Authority, Yahya Al-Kahlani, and the director of Al-Zahir District, Ibrahim Al-Humayqani, conveyed the congratulations of the Leader of the Revolution, the head of the Supreme Political Council and its members, and the Presidency and Salvation Government of the Almoravid on this occasion.

They praised the sacrifices made by the heroes of the armed and security forces in order to defend the nation, its sovereignty and independence.

They appreciated the position of the sons and tribes of Al-Bayda in confronting the aggression and its mercenaries… stressing that the Yemeni people stand by the army in confronting the forces of aggression until the entire territory of the country is liberated from the invaders and occupiers.

Their steadfastness is part of the battle of our nation’s steadfastness in the face of global arrogance.
While the Al-Murabitun expressed their gratitude for this visit, stressing their continued steadfastness and steadfastness in positions of honor and heroism, renewing their mandate to the leader of the revolution, Mr. Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, to take what he deems appropriate within the framework of Yemen’s participation in

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