Ministry News

The conclusion of a training course in the field of numerical predictions of the weather

Sana’a concluded a special training course in the field of the principles of numerical predictions of the weather, organized by the meteorological sector in cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the FAO and the European Union.

In a week, the session aimed to give ten of the sector’s meteorological specialist, skills related to the numerical predictions of the weather, the lifting of the meteorological sector capabilities and the early weather risk warning.

In the conclusion, the assistant undersecretary for the meteorological sector, Eng. Mohamed Saeed Hamid, affirmed the sector’s interest in organizing courses to raise the capabilities of the meteorological sector cadres and qualify it for the leadership of the early warning system in the Republic of Yemen in accordance with the meteorological law, especially with weather variables, weather fluctuations and the clear climate of the world from severe heating and fluctuations the weather.

He praised the support and efforts of the Food and Agriculture Organization “FAO” and the European Union to support meteorological services in Yemen.

The closing was attended by the representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization “FAO” Dr. Lipland and an expert on geographical information systems, Dr. Mohamed Jahjab.

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