Ministry News

Yemen Civil Aviation Authority steadfastness in times of aggression and siege

Steadfastness in the time of aggression and siege

Written by – Nasser bin Ahmed Al-Rimi

Iraq- International News

The aggression and the unjust siege created in us a great responsibility that we assumed before God, and as for ourselves and before our nation as a whole, we feel this responsibility that emanates from a vision of untiring Qur’anic jihadism that does not tire and is all steadfastness and steadfastness and loyalty and from our identity of faith, which is the secret of all this steadfastness, pride and honor

Never before has international humanitarian law been violated as is the case during this period, at a time when the aggression forces persist in committing brutal crimes and massacres against civilians among the Yemeni people, showing their complete contempt for international law, and struck all human rights calls for human rights organizations to stop their crimes and brutal massacres in Yemen. The wall is exposed, and this is not surprising, especially as they receive American and European support and arming, and even participation in the commission of crimes.

As far as everyone knows at home and abroad, the General Authority for Civil Aviation and Meteorology is one of the most state institutions that has received the largest share of destruction and material and human losses, although it is considered one of the civilian facilities that serve the Yemeni citizen and criminalizes its targeting of all international laws, charters and norms. The aggression coalition targeted the first sortie. They left Sanaa International Airport, Aden, Taiz and Hodeidah airport, Shabwa and Ma’rib, Hadramawt Al-Rayyan airport, Mukalla and all the airports of the Republic of Yemen. That targeting by the countries of the coalition of aggression only means that there is a systematic and accurate measure for the most important transport sectors, which is one of the civil interests protected by international law and bombing it A war crime of human genocide in accordance with the relevant international conventions and treaties.

Despite this, it is noticed that the Civil Aviation Authority during the years of aggression and siege remained steadfast and preserved the functioning of its operational and functional work in the airports under its sovereignty, according to service regularity. Then, with the efforts of the leadership of the Ministry of Transport headed by the Minister, Major General Zakaria Al-Shami, and the head of the authority, Dr. Muhammad Abdul-Rahman Abdel-Qader, and the employees of the General Authority for Civil Aviation, the legendary steadfastness that they achieved was and is still a real front in the face of aggression and the siege, astonishing the world ..When any navigation device targets any runway in the air transport sector, the employees of the General Aviation Authority return it at the lowest costs and very quickly, even when they hit the air navigation device located at Sanaa International Airport, which is an expensive device that was returned and the ways of working were updated and the flights that are The United Nations flights that currently arrive smoothly and have not paralyzed the airport’s readiness, which created a confused and vengeful psychological state for the aggression because it could not dissuade us from our steadfastness in developing our infrastructure and working accurately and continuously.

Here, I can say that the nation is recovering with patience and steadfastness of its children, as the Yemeni Civil Aviation Authority has borne the brunt of the brunt of aggression and siege and topped the list of losses and despite the great challenges and obstacles that the authority faced in light of the aggression and siege, but it persevered and continued to exercise its role to professionally manage and operate the civil aviation and meteorological system The authority has been able, with high efficiency, cadres and specialized expertise, and maintaining the technical operational readiness of civil aviation with high professionalism and complete impartiality in accordance with international requirements and the conditions of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The authority has accelerated the implementation of financial and administrative reforms that keep pace with recent developments since the announcement of the interim plan 2019-2020 emanating from the national vision of building The modern Yemeni state, and the authority started early in preparing initiatives, plans and projects in its various sectors, in a way that contributes to enhancing air navigation services at the local, regional and international levels. The authority focused onThe organizational and operational aspects that are the most important activities and programs ensuring the provision of services in accordance with the international standards and standards emanating from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). It also focused on institutional building by restoring the infrastructure destroyed by the aggression aviation as well as adopting the institutional capacity building project, restructuring and approving the quality system program For the aviation safety and security sector and its qualification for obtaining the ISO certificate, as well as the approval of organizational structures and regulations for the aviation sector, the general administration for the investigation of aviation incidents and accidents, and the general administration for internal audit.

When talking about a Yemeni civil service body and institution of the size of the Yemeni Civil Aviation Authority and the achievements it achieved during the time of siege and aggression, the matter goes on for a long time. For brevity, the main activities focused on developing and updating a number of important procedures in air navigation, including updating the operational guide for air navigation and preparing lists dealing with all cases Emergencies recognized in all stages of aviation and the implementation of specific training in air navigation specialties in addition to the programs and plans of the Authority and its sectors in the first phase plan of the National Vision that included developing and improving air navigation services and promoting the preservation of Yemen’s air region and its re-planning on economic grounds in line with the international air navigation plan The interim plan also included rehabilitating the infrastructure of the Republic’s airports in a way that achieves international levels of operation, developing and modernizing Sanaa International Airport, in addition to strengthening and keeping pace with the standards and requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization “Aviation Safety and SecurityAirports ”and the development of the meteorological sector and its services in line with the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization and the World Meteorological Organization.

In conclusion, I say an example of what the Yemeni people are steadfast and advanced on all fronts of pride, dignity and patriarchy in a continuous and rooted effort. The General Authority for Civil Aviation and Meteorology and its Mujahid staff will remain in all regions of the Republic without exception, continuing in its service to the homeland and the citizen and working hard and professionally to preserve the sovereignty of Yemen, which the aggression unsuccessfully tries to kidnap. Despite the suffering and scarcity of advanced equipment, which was destroyed by the aggression, it will work to provide services and fulfill its international obligations, thanks to God and thanks to the steadfast men in their offices who have a national and professional responsibility that no other cadre can have.

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