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5 years of aggression against Yemen … Arab and international tragedy and collusion

Abdulaziz Al-Hazy

The aggression led by Saudi Arabia into Yemen after a few days enters its sixth year in light of continuous military and humanitarian developments and events that led to the worst humanitarian catastrophe in the world according to the description of many international organizations, while the world ignores this aggression for the past five years and turns a blind eye to what is happening in the country.

In spite of the magnitude of the massive humanitarian catastrophe that Yemen has witnessed since the beginning of the aggression on the 26th of March 2015, from an unfair siege by land, sea and air, famine and chronic diseases and the scarcity of health services caused by the siege imposed by the aggression coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE, the international community stands helpless and moves Very slowly to find a solution to end the suffering of Yemeni grass.

From March 2015 until the moment, the aggression against Yemen caused the death and injury of thousands of Yemeni civilians. As of November 2018, 6,872 civilians were killed and 10,768 people were injured, most of them due to the air strikes of the Saudi-led aggression coalition, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The aggression has displaced thousands of others, millions suffer from food and medical care shortages, according to the United Nations.

But the latest official statistics of the Ministry of Health reveal that the actual figures for the total number of dead and wounded among civilians who arrived at hospitals are much greater than what was reported, and the total number of dead and wounded reached 40,379, including 12,632 martyrs and 27,756 injured.

Attitudes in support of the aggression against Yemen will remain hostage and locked into the narrow and immediate interests of those countries and bodies.

Security Council

For the past five years, the international community and the world have been ignoring the aggression against Yemen. In recent years, the Security Council has limited itself to briefings heard by the Special International Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths regarding the situation in Yemen, and previously – unfortunately – adopted Saudi positions and considered the fugitive Hadi to represent legitimacy. .

The Arab League and the Organization of the Islamic Conference

Unfortunately, the aggression against Yemen was supported by the League of Arab States, where its Secretary-General claimed on March 26, 2015 that the aggression, or the so-called “storm storm”, is based on the Joint Arab Defense Treaty, and on the laws and principles of the League. Nabil Al-Arabi stressed that the Arab League supports these The process, noting that it is based on the Charter of the League of Arab States and its decisions on the situation in Yemen, as well as on the second article of the Joint Defense Treaty, and the League sided with the fugitive Hadi, considering that it represents legitimacy.

The position of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, based in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia, was also consistent with the position of the Arab League, which is controlled by the Gulf states and Egypt.

the West

First: The United States

The United States of America remains the largest supporter of the aggression against Yemen since its beginning in March 2015, both politically and militarily. The unjust war against Yemen was declared by Washington in full view of the whole world.

According to the statements of American officials to Reuters and the Associated Press, the United States is supplying Saudi fighter planes with air fuel, in addition to the fact that the Saudi Ministry of Defense had previously announced that American search and rescue teams are on board a “HH-60″ helicopter that took off from a base in ” Djibouti ”rescued two Saudi pilots in the Gulf of Aden … not to mention providing the aggression coalition with various weapons since the beginning of the war in Yemen until the moment.

The announcement of the American-Saudi-Zionist aggression from Washington. At the time, the leader of the revolution, Mr. Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, revealed in his first speech after the aggression that this aggression is an American Zionist and the Saudi regime and its allies are only tools to implement the destructive plans of “America and Israel” for the region, especially since they have ambitions In Yemen, with its strategic geographical location.

Second: France

France is a key partner for Saudi Arabia since the beginning of the aggression against Yemen, where an Airbus MRT (a plane that refueled in the air) was delivered, and it is one of a fleet of six aircraft, two of which were used in April 2016 in the aggression.

Through several positions and movements, they demonstrated the French ‘support for Saudi Arabia in its aggression against Yemen, firstly, Paris announced its support for Hadi, and secondly, the diplomatic moves of former Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, who visited Riyadh, stressing France’s standing next to its Saudi ally. Likewise, Saudi Arabia signed 12 billion dollars in economic and military deals as a commercial reward for French support.

France’s arms sales in the Middle East increased during the era of French President Hollande to reach 38%, an increase of 8% over the Sarkozy period, as well as France providing logistical support by flying French reconnaissance planes in Yemen, according to reports.

According to Amnesty International, France granted Saudi Arabia in 2015 licenses to arm more than 16 billion euros, and about 900 million euros, military equipment.

Third: Britain

Britain is the second country after the United States of America in its support for the aggression against Yemen and the export of weapons to Saudi Arabia. Since March 2015, the value of armament and military equipment contracts has exceeded 3.3 billion pounds.

Reports indicated that the British weapon was used in the war on Yemen in military operations that violate international law, according to reports by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Oxfam, the European Union and other international and British opposition parties.

Fourth: Germany

Germany has adopted dual positions, selling weapons to Saudi Arabia and providing humanitarian aid to Yemenis. While Merkel criticizes the humanitarian situation in Yemen and demands political solutions and offers peace initiatives and a truce from the war, the chancellor ignores the voices of the opposition parties that called for stopping arming Saudi Arabia.

Germany’s arms exports to Saudi Arabia in the first half of 2016 amounted to about 480 million euros, while the German parliament approved last July a new arms deal for Egypt and Saudi Arabia that includes coastguard papers and 110 trucks and military equipment amid opposition from the left and green parties.

European Union

The reactions of the European Union varied at the general level through the European Commission, which held that a military solution would not end the crisis and that the political option was the best. On the micro level, as the countries of the Union differed between a supporter and a supporter of the position of Saudi Arabia, and in the forefront of those countries France and Britain, the most important allies of Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states and Germany, which saw that the attacks were in line with international law, and between countries that tended to a political solution, most notably Spain and Italy.

Experts believe that, through this, it is clear that there is no unified position for the European Union, which was confirmed by the German expert, Ms. Anna Augustin, who specializes in Yemen’s affairs, that “in reality there is no vision of a clear European position on Yemen.”

The European Union ranks second in arms exports in the world by 26%. Its arms exports to the Middle East and North Africa increased between 2012 and 2016, the same period that increased the proportion of Saudi arms imports to 144%.

The three largest countries in Europe have contributed to arming the Saudi-led aggression alliance in Yemen. Nor have European countries in their arms sales not complied with international standards in exporting weapons that violate human rights and increase the tragic situation in Yemen so that the war remains ablaze with Europe’s weapons amid non-binding denunciations and letters of recommendations It is issued by the European Parliament from time to time.

And among all the countries of the Union, only Germany announced the cessation of the export of its weapons to the countries participating in the aggression against Yemen.

From here it appears that in front of the continuation of the aggression against Yemen since 2015, it is not clear that the political solution will come from the Western or Arab capitals that supported the aggression and that usually repeat the positions previously known to support and encourage the political director in Yemen, but with no real desire to stop the war raging in Yemen And ending the aggression.

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