Ministry News

Work continues on the asphalt road and the main roundabout in the port of Hodeida

The implementation of the asphalt road project (B) continues in full swing with the main roundabout in the port of Hodeida, with self-financing from the Yemen Red Sea Ports Corporation, where the completion rate in the main roundabout reached 35%, and the completion rate on the road reached 40%.

As part of the works implemented in the project, the asphalt road (B) was treated and corrected the earthen foundation layer, with secondary water exits for the entire length of the road with the entrances and the sub-circuit, and the necessary tests and areal verification were carried out, and the initial asphalt impregnation layer ( MC ) was sprayed. An asphalt mixture suitable for truck loads, and the first layer is underway.

With regard to the main roundabout in the port of Hodeida, the damaged asphalt areas were completely cut off with the damaged base layer, which was the reason for the road’s downfall, after the tests that were carried out on it and confirmed its invalidity, and the auxiliary base layer was settled according to the design levels with spraying and your father to ensure its validity laboratory.

The preparations are currently underway to start the ramming and ramming of a new base layer according to the standard specifications suitable for truck loads, then the final asphalt layer will be made.

These works receive the attention of the leadership of the institution and the follow-up and directions of the supervisory team of the General Administration of Projects and Engineering Supervision of the institution, according to the basic studies in the tender and approved standard specifications and within the framework of the directions and plans of the national vision for building the modern Yemeni state.

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