Ministry News

A joint meeting of the leadership of the Ministry of Transport and the Local Authority Committee of the Shura Council

The Minister of Transport in the caretaker government, Abdul Wahab Al-Durrah, discussed today, with members of the Local Authority and Services Committee of the Shura Council, headed by Council member Abdullah Majeed, aspects of coordination to implement the ministry’s tasks and plans and activate its maritime, air and land sectors.

The meeting, which was attended by deputy ministers and heads of affiliated bodies and institutions, praised the position of the revolutionary leadership, the Supreme Political Council, and the Yemeni people in supporting the Palestinian people in Gaza.

It also blessed the joint operation carried out by the naval forces, the missile force, and the unmanned air force of the Yemeni armed forces, which targeted an American ship that was providing support. For the Zionist entity
The meeting reviewed the efforts of the Ministry and its various bodies, institutions and sectors in preserving the transport sector and rehabilitating and building the infrastructure that was systematically destroyed by the aggression at airports, seaports and land ports.

He approved the formation of a committee from the Ministry and the Shura Council to prepare a report on the necessary needs and requirements of the transportation sector and the Ministry’s achievements and plans to carry out its tasks to the fullest extent, in addition to proposals to overcome the difficulties facing the work of the Ministry and its affiliated bodies and institutions.

During the meeting, the Minister of Transport of the caretaker government confirmed that the Ministry and its bodies and institutions were able to develop the technical and technical infrastructure with self-financing according to the available capabilities with Yemeni expertise.

He explained that several projects had been implemented in the transport sector, including the rehabilitation of Sanaa International Airport, the port of Hodeidah, the ports affiliated with the Red Sea Ports Corporation, and important projects in organizing land transport affairs.

Minister Al-Durra appreciated the Shura Council’s interest in the transportation sector and meeting its important needs, stressing the necessity of joint work to contribute to the development and modernization of the transportation sector.

Meanwhile, the Undersecretary for the Air Transport Sector, Abdullah Al-Ansi, and the Chairman of the Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority, Dr. Muhammad Abdul Qader, reviewed the achievements that have been achieved in the field of air transport and the provision of services in the field of civil aviation… pointing to the difficulties facing the air transport sector and the necessary needs of Sana’a Airport for technical and technical equipment. And rehabilitating the main runway.
For his part, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Transport for Maritime and Port Affairs, Captain Muhammad Ishaq, confirmed that the port of Hodeidah works around the clock to provide navigation services in accordance with international specifications.


In turn, the Chairman of the Land Transport Regulatory Authority, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Muayyad, touched on the achievements achieved by the Authority through organizing land transport in the capital and governorates in cooperation with the relevant authorities.
At the meeting, the Chairman of the Local Authority and Services Committee of the Shura Council stressed the importance of the services provided by the Ministry of Transport and its bodies and institutions to the Yemeni people despite the siege and aggression that deliberately paralyzed this vital sector.

He pointed out the Shura Council’s keenness to closely identify the difficulties facing the performance of this economic service sector.

Majeed praised the successes achieved by the Ministry of Transport and its affiliated bodies and institutions in rehabilitating Sanaa International Airport and Hodeidah Port and organizing land transport affairs.

He urged the members of the joint committee to prepare reports and studies on the ministry’s conditions and the requirements for implementing its strategic plans so that the Shura Council can support the ministry’s efforts to develop the transportation sector.

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