Ministry News

A meeting in Hodeidah discusses heavy land transport conditions and mechanisms for improving services

 A meeting in Hodeidah Governorate, headed by Governor Muhammad Qahim, discussed the conditions of heavy land transport and mechanisms for improving services.

The meeting, which included the Chairman of the Land Transport Authority, Ibrahim Al-Muayyad, and the Governorate’s Undersecretary for Financial and Administrative Affairs, Muhammad Al-Nahari and Services, Muhammad Al-Halisi, touched on the difficulties and problems facing the heavy transport sector and ways to address them.

He addressed a number of topics related to unifying transportation pricing and controlling violators, creating a joint mechanism to regulate the work of drivers, and mechanisms for organizing the collection of legal revenues for transportation fees and supplying them on a regular basis, as well as reforming the current transportation situation and improving the performance of union work for heavy transport trucks.

During the meeting, Governor Qahim noted the economic importance represented by the transport sector, and the geographical specificity that characterizes Hodeidah with regard to the movement of commercial goods from the port to all governorates.

He stressed the importance of organizing procedures and finding appropriate solutions to the difficulties facing the work of the Land Transport Authority, organizing the movement of goods transportation, and improving tasks and services in coordination with the Ministry of Transport, the General Authority for Land Transport Affairs Regulatory, and the local authority in the governorate.

The Governor of Hodeidah expressed his readiness to support the Land Transport Authority branch to carry out its assigned tasks in a way that contributes to the development of transport activity and achieving a qualitative leap in the performance of the heavy transport sector movement.

For his part, the head of the Transport Authority appreciated the cooperation of the local authority leadership and its interest in addressing some of the difficulties in order to serve the transportation of goods from the port of Hodeidah to the governorates in a smooth manner without any complications and obstacles.

He explained that his visit to the governorate comes within the framework of keenness to strengthen coordination with the leadership of the local authority and discuss visions and perceptions aimed at addressing the current situation of transport activity and developing practical mechanisms to rearrange and organize the movement of goods transport.

For their part, the Directors of Governorate Security, Major General Aziz Al-Jaradi, and the Office of the Governorate Transport Authority, Ahmed Sharaf Al-Din, reviewed the most prominent challenges and difficulties, stressing the importance of coming up with a joint working mechanism to resolve all problems in accordance with the applicable regulations and laws regulating the workflow in the transportation sector.

The meeting was attended by the Director of the Finance Office in the Governorate, Muhammad Al-Washli, the Geological Survey and Mineral Resources Authority, Majid Al-Ahdal, and a number of specialists.

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