International News

How did the media make terror of Corona?


The writer Muhammad al-Tawil

Corona occupied the public domain of content in all the traditional and new media, and now we live within the framework of the saying “The Earth Speaks Corona …”.


In a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the news broadcast by Reuters in one day, Corona had all taken possession of it and its political, economic, sports, environmental and miscellaneous subjects.

News coverage and program maps of the international and Arab satellite channels; As the BBC, CNN, Al-Jazeera, Russia Today, and others, the Corona Virus framework and determinant has control over broadcast paths and coverage priorities.


Social media, for its part, found little in the Corona virus; To bomb minds over the “volt sec” with multiple content that includes text, pictures, graphics, graphics, news and story videos, taking advantage of their proximity and their attachment to individuals and the public through their mobile phones, which have become an essential part of any human being in the twenty-first century.


After this horrific and continuous pumping from the media to cover news of infections and deaths in the Corona virus in the world, especially at the time of the peak of the virus outbreak in China, Italy, Spain and America, the priorities of life in human societies have changed, and the daily life of human beings has been transformed according to the news, reports, stories, and images broadcast by the media; Because of the intensity of this coverage, the follower feels that we entered a new era of life, much like what happened to the Earth during the dinosaurs; Meteors, meteors, and asteroids fell on them, causing a major change in their nature, as indicated by geological and geographical studies.


Corona, the only event, Dr. Muhammad Al-Amin Moussa says, in a scientific study entitled “Determinants of news satellite channels coverage of the Corona pandemic in the era of digitization” published by the Al-Jazeera Center for Studies: “The Corona virus pandemic has taken the center stage in the global media agenda through its exceptional impact on all countries of the world. When the wheel of the economy was forced to slow down, it caught the attention of politicians, but rather targeted some of them and turned them into victims. ” Al-Amin’s study indicates that the Corona pandemic has become the only global event that is at the forefront of traditional and new media attention, and hence the interest of all of the world’s population. The study, which has been applied to Arab and international channels, adds: The interest in health news and epidemics before Corona was very little. The news or the experts did not exceed the daily news coverage, and with the increase of Corona virus infections in the world, the coverage and broadcast hours all dealt with the corona manifestations and their manifestations at the level of All countries that have been invaded by the virus, and satellite channels have prepared news, reports, summary bulletins and news headlines in a manner unparalleled except in covering the presidential elections in some influential countries such as America, even if the Corona pandemic coverage is surpassed by the length of coverage. The study indicated that the satellite channels focused on the comprehensive and continuous coverage of the pandemic as an unparalleled event for the world and contemporary media, in addition to adopting something like a “media emergency” in which all human and material capabilities to cover the pandemic are harnessed. The image is one of the most important tools used by the media to charm and attract the masses. The images, as ancient studies say, were a source of seduction for the human being, as a research article by Professor of Islamic Thought Fouad Muhammad showed that the image (calf of the Samaritan) lost the children of Israel and their feet are still Wet with water, after they crossed the sea with the Prophet of God Moses, peace be upon him, and it was among the tricks of the Samaritan to make a hole in the mouth of the calf’s statue and another hole in its rear, which allowed air to enter from the two holes; Thus the statue of the calf makes a voice as if bellow. The drama of the calf formed a powerful and overwhelming influence on the minds of his viewers of the Children of Israel. The media to spread intimidation and temptation in all ages and times. In our time, the media, especially the new media, has presented a magical mixture that takes the minds and the core represented in an information material consisting of texts, pictures, graphics and videos that the audience eat in one meal, making it addicted and bound with it all the time. Ambiguity and reliability Theories of media and communication indicate that the ability of the means of communication to achieve a greater degree of cognitive, emotional and behavioral influence increases when these media perform distinct and intense information transfer functions, and this possibility will increase in strength if there is structural instability in society due to conflict, change and fear. The famous theory “relying on the media” shows that individuals depend on what the media broadcasts; To overcome the problem of ambiguity resulting from the lack of information and its insufficiency to understand the meanings of events or to determine possible and correct interpretations of these events, and this enables the media to shape trends where these means pay unlimited views, issues and personalities that arouse recipients of interest in them, especially in conditions of crises, pandemics and disasters And wars. Theorists mention this theory that exposure to scenes of terror and panic and the magnitude of the large number of injuries left by crises and disasters affects the individual receiving fear, anxiety and terror from falling into these acts, or being a victim of them, and this is what happened with the media coverage of the Corona pandemic, which focused on the size of high injuries and speed The outbreak of the virus, as well as the scale of deaths and economic impacts caused by the Corona virus in the affected countries, all of this raised terror and fear among media audiences that they would fall victim to this mysterious virus in diagnosis and treatment. Studies and researches that have applied this theory say: The masses depend on the media to seek information and news in order to form their awareness of what is happening in the world of crises, conflicts, turmoil, epidemics and disasters. The research adds that the media exploits these events with extensive and extensive coverage to keep up with the public’s needs for information and news, and thus the recipient individuals become totally linked to what is broadcast by these media. Followers; To create another virtual reality for them, she draws life inside, far from what is happening in the real reality.

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